KOREAN RED GINSENG DRINK is containing red ginseng and Honey;
the former is known to have the effect of immunizing as well as adjusting the blood sugar level, and the latter has been used in herbal therapy for thousands of years as a cough remedy.
Korean Red Ginseng is especially rich in saponin, referred to as Ginsenoside.
Saponin has various beneficial effects such as activating body composition factors and strengthening the immune system.
Also 6-year red ginseng produced in Korea has a much greater number of saponin compared to one produced in other countries.
Moreover its composition ratio is more beneficial to our body
It is very good for the following people.
- who needs refreshment, stamina and energy.(tonic)
- who wants to enhance Immune system.
- who often take liquor.(hepatotonic)
- adolescence or students who is deficient of energy & vigor
- who are exhausted with hard working.
we know from our customers that our service is one of the best in this industry. We pay much attention to the needs of our customers and have expanded our line of products that our customers requested. With abundant knowledge and resources, extensive networks of cultivation and collection, superior technical capabilities, convenient facilities, as well as qualified sales and technical people