Jindotgae Hotsauce has well balanced flavor that compliments the tastes of many different cuisine from around the world. Jindotgae, the dog on the logo, is South Korea’s national breed with its tongue out to suggest spiciness and tastiness.
Jindotgae Hotsauce represents Korea not only by the logo, but also by one of the ingredients. It's Cheongyang Pepper, Korean hot pepper, and the pepper gives flavourful taste. The Jindotgae Hotsauce is thicker than Tabasco, which makes it more flavourful. We belive it will be the next generation hot sauce which everyone likes.
In terms of Scoville Scale, Jindotgae Hotsauce is 3,530, Spicer than Frank's Red Hotsauce and less spicer than Tabasco.
Jindotgae Hotsauce is sub-brand of Nekkid Crew Co., Ltd. Nekkid Crew Co., Ltd. is a F&B start-up with various on-going projects such as Nekkid Wings—a wing-specialty restaurant, Itaewon Brewing Company—a joint venture craft brewing company, DONOTEAT—food apparel brand and Jindotgae Hot Sauce—a Korean hot sauce brand.