The ingredient is known as a humidifier disinfectant and the use as a toothpaste preservative is prohibited in Korea .
ECOCERT , USDA certified extract
Eucalyptus extract , sage extract , aloe extract , matricaria extract , green tea extract
Free of 5 harmful ingredients
This product is free of artificial components and offer safe usage preservative , chemical detergent , paraben , triclosan , saccharin
Premium toothpaste for our children
Protect your child's gums and teeth with Medi - l toothpaste . We make this product with the motto , ' the toothpaste I want to give my child
1.Use toothpaste as much as peas.
2.Wipe your teeth and gums thoroughly for at least 3 minutes without getting wet.
3.When bubbles are enough, keep natural ingredients in your mouth for a while.
If you have severe symptoms, rinse it slowly and neatly with lukewarm water.
We have export history to 24 countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore.
MEDI-I toothpaste - a safe and premium children’s toothpaste that contains natural ingredients
Toothpaste is essential for children who like to eat sweet food.
This product is necessary for children with lot of dental cavities.
Toothpaste with strawberry flavor
Start healthy habits early & make brushing fun for kids.
Encourage kids to brush.
Safety and reliable Toothpaste for Children
Add Ecoccert certified extract and USDA certified extract.
Contain natural ingredients to help prevent dental cavities in children and makes teeth stronger and healthier.
Add aloe extract and sage extract that help prevent gum inflammation.
No chemical ingredients. -NO CMIT/MIT, Tar color, PEG, Triclosan, Chemical preservative, microplastic, benzonic acid
MEDI-I toothpaste is a safe toothpaste approved by Korea Food & Drug Administration.